A19530: High Feature, Three-Wire Hall-Effect Transmission Speed and Direction Sensor IC

A31316 3D MAG hall-effect magnetic camshaft position sensor packaging image

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Top Features


The A19530 is an optimized Hall-effect integrated circuit (IC) that is ideal for a wide range of speed and direction sensing needs with diagnostic requirements. It provides integrated EMC protection components, open/short detection and advanced signal processing.

The A19530 is a user-friendly solution for direction detection and true zero-speed digital magnetic wheel or gear tooth sensing. The small package can be easily assembled and used in conjunction with a wide variety of magnetic wheels or back-biased with a magnet for gear tooth sensing applications.

The IC employs patented algorithms for the special operational requirements of automotive transmission applications. The speed and direction of the target are communicated through a variable pulse-width output protocol. The A19530 high vibration immunity option prevents direction pulses from occurring under angular vibration without sacrificing maximum air gap capability. The no vibration immunity option allows for continuous direction pulse emission under vibration. The advanced vibration detection algorithm will systematically calibrate the sensor IC on the initial teeth of true target rotation and not on vibration, always providing an accurate signal in running mode.

The A19530 also supports more classic output options, such as speed only protocol, representing target profile or fast direction change recognition with reduced vibration immunity.

This device is available in a lead (Pb) free 3-pin SIP package with tin-plated lead frame.

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A19530 was developed in accordance with ISO 26262:2011 as a hardware safety element out of context with ASIL B capability (pending assessment) for use in automotive safety-related systems when integrated and used in the manner prescribed in the applicable safety manual and datasheet.

  • Integrated diagnostics and certified safety design process
  • Three-wire output pulse-width protocol supporting speed, direction, and safe state 
  • Advanced algorithms supporting vibration detection and sudden air gap changes
  • Ring magnet and ferrous target sensing
  • Air gap independent switch points
  • True zero-speed operation
  • Integrated EMC capacitor in a single over-molded miniature package
  • Robust test coverage capability with Scan Path and IDDQ measurement

Typical Applications

  • Transmission
A31316 3D MAG hall-effect magnetic camshaft position sensor packaging image

The A19530 is available in a lead (Pb) free 3-pin SIP (suffix UC) package with tin-plated lead frame.

UC Package Documentation

Part Number Specifications and Availability

Differential Speed Sensor System Solutions

Seth Prentice, Strategic Marketing Manager for Allegro MicroSystems Speed Sensor IC group, discusses IC solutions for designing speed sensing applications including automotive transmissions, washing machine drum speeds, and fork lift positioning requiring reliable consistent output signals. 

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Fundamental Properties of Speed Sensors